When do you think people pray?

I think people pray when they are lonely and have no-one else to turn to, also if they have done something wrong but regret what they’ve done.

I think someone might pray when someone they love is ill or in trouble. You might want to pray for people in other countries when you see them on the news all skinny and sick.

I think that people could pray when they need help. They could pray when they have had a row with a friend, or when they are lonely. They could pray if they are in trouble or if they are worried about someone or something.

I think they would pray when they were unhappy when something went wrong and they wanted forgiveness. They might pray when somebody is in trouble.

I think people pray when they are lonely or ill, in trouble, scared or when they need forgiveness.

They would pray when they are lonely, worried that they’ve done something and scared that someone would find out. People pray when they are ill or their best friend has an illness.

You might pray when you are scared because you’re in trouble and have no-one to turn to or forgive you. You could pray to God for forgiveness. Maybe someone’s done something wrong and given you the blame for it.
Danielle G.

I think people pray when they have no-one to turn to. When they can’t make a decision. It could be if some people are depressed or when somebody is in trouble. Ben W.

I think they would pray when they are old because people in their family have gone. People pray for friends.